This post shows in steps how to set up a dev environment for k3s project. Step 1. PreparationThe following list shows my local development environment ...
k3s Basics
This post explains my first impression with k3s. MotivationIn order to work on k3s project, one needs to learn to use it at first. This post summarize ...
k8s Basics
This post demonstrate some Kubernetes basic commends.
Server Overview
We have setup 3 virtual machines,each has 1 cpu and 1GB memory. Details:
Server OS | IP Address | Node Type | CPU | Memory | Hostname |
ubuntu16.04 | | master | 1 | 1G | server01 |
ubuntu16.04 | | slave1 | 1 | 1G | server02 |
ubuntu16.04 | | slave2 | 1 | 1G | server03 |
To follow this demo, root privilege is required, ask system admin (Todd) for root access.