研究背景编码理论中研究的核心问题为:将一串长度为k的比特序列 $c \in {0, 1}^k $ 经过某种encoing,生成一串长度为n的新的比特序列 $\widetilde{c} \in {0, 1}^n$,注意这串新的比特序列可能在存储或者传输过程中被改变。如何设 ...
Symbols count in article: 1.8k Reading time ≈ 2 mins.
为啥写这个系列2021年,告别上一段科研历程,开始新的征程。作为一名二手信息论科学家,职业素养还是要的。那么就以此作为契机,请诸君与笔者在地球online服务器上开始一段神秘的信息论探索之旅吧。 开篇就要大搞特搞一提汉明距离,但凡搞咱这行的,多多少少都有些耳闻的。毕业以后参加工作面试,碰到个把岗位不 ...
万物有时在蓝星之上,一切生命都有它自己的时间;如何在恰当的时间,做恰当的事,是一件值得掰扯一下的事;就比方说,坐在电脑前看着这一篇没啥用的文章却不知道找对象的你,就没有在正确的时间干正确的事。 闲言少叙,那么本篇将就每个直立猿短暂的一生中都无比关心的干饭问题,进行深入探究;进一步说,让我们探究一下获 ...
机动车驾驶证学习笔记0x00 为啥写这篇blog2021年美国驾照换国内驾照,需要考科目一; 以下为本人搜集的知识要点总结,希望能帮看到的人节省学习时间。 0x01. 关于扣分的题 记住下面3个扣6分的,其余的都是扣12分的(其他扣分选项见) 违反交通灯 非法占用应急车道 未按交通法规避让校车 ...
5分钟快速学习上手tmux;tmux你看懂这一篇就够了… 啥是tmux一句话,将传统的命令行终端中窗口(window, 即一个terminal的视窗)与会话(session,泛指人机交互行为,比如一个SSH长连接任务)分离的工具。macos下安装: brew install tmux 用tmux啥 ...
Kubeedge Examples (Temperature Sensor Demo)
Symbols count in article: 9.6k Reading time ≈ 9 mins.
This post explain the setup of our kubeedge temperature demo in lab, which can be found in here. I’ve spent too much time on this due to the lack of d ...
k3s+kubeedge (3) Deploy Edge Core on Raspberry Pi 3
Symbols count in article: 5.9k Reading time ≈ 5 mins.
This post finalize the setup of Kubeedge on K3S cluster. The edge part of the Kubeedge connect with the API server through CloudHub in the cloud core ...
k3s+kubeedge (2) Deploy the Cloud Core (edgecontroller)
Symbols count in article: 5.2k Reading time ≈ 5 mins.
In the previous post, we know how to set up a code-review/debugging environment (some preparations are actually included in this post though). Now, le ...
k3s+kubeedge (1) Code Review/Debugging Environment Setup
Symbols count in article: 8.1k Reading time ≈ 7 mins.
Kubeedge is a CNCF open source project that aims at extending the existing orchestration system (Kubernetes)’s container management capability to the ...
k3s Dev (2) Vagrant + VirtualBox Dev.
This post aims to help you gain a better development experience with rancher/k3s project. As an old Chinese saying implies: “A logger should always sh ...